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Platform Features

Hosted in Australia

Ensure your data is in Australia to meet the data sovereignty requirements.


Built on the latest industry best practices for cloud technology & security architecture.

Built for CISO & Cyber Security Teams

Built in collaboration with industry experts to bottle-up the common workflows and features needed to meet consistent governance needs.

Smart Data Capture

Smartform data capture makes it easy for managers to enter requested data. Only see what's relevant - dont waste time working out whats not relevant.

State of The Art Visualisations

Assess complex cyber security controls with easy visualisations. Simple and ready to share visualisations for the relevant stakeholders.

NIST & ACSC Essential Eight Compliance

Always work with the latest requirements for either NIST or the Australian Cyber Security Centre's Essential Eight framework.

Built-in Workflow

Just follow the bouncing ball. My Security Adviser with guide the end user, based on their respective authority level, through assessment and authorisation of the relevant assement tool.

Automated & Personalised Report

Access easy to share PDF reports upon assessment completion, containing assessment summary, current maturity and target state with remedial action reports.

Collaborate with Cyber Security Experts

Built in collaboration with industry experts to bottle-up the common workflows and features needed to meet regular governance needs. Additionally, subscribers may access more specific assistance in the assessment or remediation process for cyber risk governance.

Digitise cyber governance today

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